Short Bio

Photographer → Picture Framer → Gallery Owner → Software Engineer → Photographer
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My first inspiration in photography was Ansel Adams. It's why I started in black and white. That, and the fact that color development had such a steep learning curve. I became a fan of all the Group ƒ64.

Not long after college, my photography career was put on hold so I could co-own and manage Sharon Park Gallery in Menlo Park, CA.

I'm back at it and it seems like I never left. In fact, I think my eye is better and more mature. You can decide.

About the work? I can say this. The scenes are real.


Mark has lived his entire life, so far, in the Bay Area. He earned a BA in Fine Art Photography from SFSU in 1993. Mark also was a co-owner, manager and picture framer of Sharon Park Gallery in Menlo Park. Mark earned a second degree for Software Engineering from SJSU and is a web designer as well as a photographer.

Photographer → Picture Framer → Gallery Owner → Software Engineer → Photographer
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